Post by Virgil Bierschwaleyou know, I worked for eurosoft a LONG time ago and they allways treated me
nice, but I have to admit.....They won't contact you at all unless they need
your specific requirements <grin>
Sounds reasonable to me, particularly in a saturated market.
Post by Virgil BierschwaleI've been in this business for 20 years and I've NEVER seen it where I
couldnt find work.
Are all the rest of ya'll finding the same stuff. ??
No, but it greatly depends on exactly what you are looking for. Living
in Kerrville probably isn't turning them on about hiring you in Austin
either. That is not a "reasonable" daily commute.
Post by Virgil BierschwaleHell, I even tried HEB and Walmart, Lowes, etc. and couldnt even get a 6.50
hr job there because I was overqualified.
Hand them a resume that says you worked changing tires in west virginia for
15 years, then they'll hire you. :-) Tell them you are a reformed serial
killer, and they'll probably make you store director.
Post by Virgil Bierschwaleso far there has been 853 people look at my web page, but NO OFFERS yet...
I've never heard of anyone getting a job offer becaused somebody liked
their web page. YMMV.
Randy Howard
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